Austrid, Ostra Regal D´or Speciale 110-130g nr 3 -12 tk karbis


Oysters Spec. Ostra Regal D’or, 110-130g, No3

Name: Ostra Regal Sélection OR
Latin Name: Crassostrea gigas
Meat Rate: 17% – 18%
Old: 4 years
Type: Grow in conche
Seed: France
Terroir: Conche of Bannow, Irlande
Description: The Golden Selection is the quintessence of our production, it
represents less than 5% of the production of Ostra Regal each year.
Taste: Like the Ostra Regal, we discover an iodized and rocky attack, giving
way to a powerful flavor. The taste of the Sélection OR is even finer and makes
this product a luxury delicacy.

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